They Heard Something Moving In This Bucket… And Immediately Regretted Looking Inside.
When it comes to household pests, I like to think that I have a pretty strong stomach. In my mind, mice and rats range from tolerable to practically adorable. Even cockroaches aren’t THAT bad. But this is too much, even for me.
A reddit user based in Thailand just posted a photo of a critter that they found in their home, and once you see this thing, you will believe in monsters again. Scroll down at your own risk!
Are you ready for this?
Auuuugh! According to Reddit user ivealreadyreddit, it’s a female soil centipede, or Geophilomorpha.
These creepy crawlers have about 27 leg-bearing segments, and can move pretty darn quick on all those feet.
While they can’t see much beyond light and dark, their array of sensory organs make them skilled hunters, with a poisonous bite that can cause sever pain, swelling, and fever in humans.
Females use their legs to protect and carry their young, which is what that one was doing in that original photo.
It’s like a horrifying little monster nursery.
Ewww! That’s one household pest I don’t think I could tolerate. Imagine all those little creepers getting loose in your house, their dozens of tiny legs skittering all over the place. No thanks!
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