15 Insane Facts Few People Know About Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise is one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood. He is also considered to be one of the greatest action stars alive. Who would even doubt that title? The Mission Impossible franchise and his other action movies have consistently topped the box

Sleeping In A Cool Room Can Have Unexpected Health Benefits

Settling down to sleep at night, the first thing you do is probably pull up the covers. After all, it’s so nice to snuggle up under your favorite blanket and drift off into dreamland. And that’s easy to do in the colder weather, when

Girl, 11, sneaks past security because she wanted to know what it was like to fly

11 year old girl evades Moscow airport security To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video If there’s one thing you can rely on children doing, it’s making the adults around them look pretty

Cop Buys Car Seat For Struggling Father After Pulling Him Over

Have you ever been pulled over by the police? Generally, it’s not a very pleasurable experience, and it’s one you usually end up paying dearly for. Lavante Dell thought this very thing when he was pulled over in his Impala, but as it turned

If you thought hipster plating was bad, get a load of what they use for booze (25 Photos)

1 Listen, I’m all down for a hand grenade or a nice fish bowl punch, but I’m sure everyone can agree that 95% of the time a normal glass is very much preferred. Here are some of the most ridiculous containers being used for

Texts From My Dog

“Texts From Dog” is a brilliant book written by October Jones. It captures hilarious conversations between owner and his dog. These are my favorite moments: Also check out Texts From My Cat!

Singing hospital worker eases patients’ anxieties

Lindon Beckford is a transporter at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. The 52-year-old has worked there for three decades. During his time there, he continued a habit he couldn’t manage to shake. He would often sing songs to himself to get through