This Is Not How To React After Being Turned Down By A Guy
When you’re in a relationship, what are the rules on texting other guys/girls that you’ve just met? Of course, having other friends of the opposite sex is completely normal and I’d say every relationship needs this to remain healthy…but there’s a fine line between making a new friend and that dangerously flirtatious territory.
Even if you’re sure your intentions are purer than untouched snow, they could have completely other ideas. This guy learnt the hard way.
This lad met a girl at a college party and started texting her, he had a girlfriend so it was one of those ‘just friends’ things
Ok, so she was in agreement at this point…
That classic line which he quickly shot down
Her game is as good as her grammar
That escalated quickly
Is anyone else wondering how she knows about his size?
Why don’t you love me instantly?
Where others would get out their smallest violins, this guy was actually quite supportive
Who’s the psychopath here, sorry?
So apparently ten texts is all it takes for this girl. I actually think the guy handled it pretty reasonably consider the levels of crazy this girl was going. A 101 in how NOT to take rejection.