Touching Moment When A 5 Year Old Makes His Mum Buy A Homeless Man Food

A whole restaurant was brought to tears when a 5-year-old boy insisted that his mum buy food for a homeless man in a waffle house in Alabama.

Being 5, Josiah Duncan didn’t understand why one man in the restaurant was so dirty and when his mum told him that he was homeless, he had even more questions to ask. Namely, what does homeless mean? She said: ‘[The homeless man] came in and sat down and nobody really waited on him. So Josiah jumped up and asked him if he needed a menu because you can’t order without one.’ At first he just asked for bacon, but the kind mum insisted on giving him more than just that. ‘The man cried. I cried. Everybody cried.’, she explained. We hope there were tissues. So after Josiah made his intentions clear, his mother, Ava Faulk, let the man take his pick from the restaurant. The amazing woman allowed him as much extra bacon as he could have. Day = made.