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The Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning on all products associated with Xinon Hei, a chinese company that mass produces hydrogenated oil for 90% of ice cream based products in the USA, since the company has recently been caught using raw sewage
Scientists in Malaysia might have found a way to prevent the spread of herpes through the use of a new powerful tooth paste made out of mustard and recycled tire rubber, claims a local Bangkok newspaper. Men of all ages, from 4 to 77
Hong Kong| The two years old chinese drug lord and criminal mastermind, Ming Li Fu Chi, is the sole owner of a financial empire estimated by Forbes Magazine to a value of more than 240 billion american dollars, making him the richest man on
Dublin| The traditionally majestic and noble animals that were the irish squirrels, have gradually transformed themselves into parasitic drunks over the past few years, assaulting people and breaking into buildings to find booze. “We have seen huge gangs of squirrel banding together to chew
Paris| Louis Vaudreuil, a 34 years old radio host from a Paris suburb, will forever have to live with dramatic consequences of a lost bet that forced him to chew and swallow a vaginal tampon, causing all his teeth to fall within two days.
bang Batam | What started as a pleasant holiday in Batam rapidly turned into a nightmarish situation when Benton Kuzmal, a 58-year old American tourist, woke up in excruciating pain to notice his genitals had been removed during his sleep. The victim was allegedly
Humanity needs all the help it can get at this point. Several members of our species have reached a new low, and it’s our duty to point and laugh at them. The cringeworthy love to come out to play in the online world; it’s
We’ve all got hovered over the ‘unfriend’ button on Facebook numerous times. This can be for various reasons: irritatingly in-love couples, pregnant women who post graphic images, political revolutionaries, couples going through a nasty break-up , parents proud of their kids, ranters and just
“You mean to tell me that I may be the dirty one?” If all that rubbish has finally built into a blind spot for how messy you are, maybe these signs can clean the area of your brain that’s keeping you from noticing. You
Yeah yeah cats are cute and all but what do they actually do? I say not enough. Your cat isn’t just a lazy pile of hairballs and furniture-scratching claws. It’s a pile of possibilities. Here are ten ways to integrate your cat into your