Hangry is an emotion felt by all animals, not just humans!
1. When you don’t even realize you’re hungry until you see the food…

2. When you know your friend ordered something for themselves but you just want like 3 or 10 bites.

3. When someone passes you their food offering you some and you don’t want to seem too eager.

4. When you see prosciutto and everything else goes blank.

5. “Did this bitch just try and cheers me without offering me a bite of that meal?”

6. When you go into a sort of blind rage trying to get yourself a snack.

7. When you see Banh Mi. ANY time you see Banh Mi.

8. When someone eats their food in front of you knowing full well that you’re hungry, and you don’t even try to hide the fact that you think they’re being a real dick.

9. When you think you’re getting some cheap sushi and it ends up being fresh AF.

10. When someone spends the whole day cooking and making their house smell delicious and then they don’t offer you any of the food.

11. When you aren’t sure whether or not you’ll get caught stealing someone’s little snack…

12. When you debate eating dessert…but then you just go for it.

13. When you just give zero fucks because it tastes so good.

14. When you’re super hungry but you’re trying to see what exactly is in the food you’re about to eat…

15. When you have just entered a state of total desperation and will do anything for a quick treat.

16. When you feel like you have to have a mini-workout before you’re justified in eating the delicious thing you really want.

17. When you know it has too many calories and it’s going to go straight to your hips…but the heart wants what it wants.

18. When you think you might be able to grab a slice before anyone notices…

19. When you had your heart set on something healthy but you catch a glimpse of something way better…

20. When someone orders a delicious meal and doesn’t finish it and OFFERS YOU THEIR LEFTOVERS YASSSS!



23. When you’re trying to act like you don’t want any food but your face betrays you.

24. When you thought there was nothing left but you find the most amazing leftovers in your fridge and your heart stops beating for just a moment.

25. When someone dares you to finish a whole box of pizza by yourself, and you know it will be a challenge…but you know you’re up to it.