A Teen Who Died For 20 Minutes Then Came Back To Life Is Claiming He Met Jesus

Many religious preachers are forever looking for real-life miracles to use as examples and proof of a higher power. So, they must have been rubbing their hands together with joy when this teen from Texas awoke from a sudden cardiac arrest claiming to have seen Jesus. The boy’s heart had stopped beating for 20 minutes when a pulse started again and the child and his parents are putting it down to a miracle.

The father claims “it’s not humanly possible to explain” but I can’t be anything but sceptical. I once fainted and saw myself riding bicycles down an unfamiliar seafront with several celebrities, it doesn’t make it so. Check out the video below for the full story.

The important part of the story is that the boy made a recovery and that’s great news…still not sure about the Jesus bit though, sorry. As Atheism goes from strength to strength will religion really ever die in Western culture?