5 Ridiculous Ex*mples Of Censorship, Including Tyson Gay’s Name
The world is full of people who I like to call the ‘easily offended’ and for these people, we have censorship. In a world ever-demanding political correctness, censorship seems to be taking a turn for the worst, with some really ridiculous examples of unnecessary censorship emerging.
The following five have to be some of the worst.
1. Fox News – Pablo Picasso
When Les femmes d’Alger broke records recently when it sold for 115 million, it was the talk of the news. Clearly, the purchaser felt that the work of Picasso was absolute perfection – well, Fox thought differently, doing their own touch up job by blurring out the breasts.
2. One News Now – Tyson G*y
Tyson Gay is world-famous for being the second fast human being after Usain Bolt, and you’ll probably know him as ‘Tyson Gay the runner’ – well Christian website OneNewsNow prefers to call him Tyson Homosexual – because gay is too offensive a word…even if it’s a last name. Fred Jackson, director of the site, claimed it was an automatic filter removing ‘that word’, because he couldn’t even bring himself to say it.
3. Saudi Arabia – Starbucks logo
Starbucks is loved the world over and you’ll find it in most countries these days, even Saudi Arabia. However, you may not recognise it there since the Middle Eastern country required Starbucks to remove the siren from their logo before they could open up any stores there.
4. Orthodox Israeli newspaper – Charlie Hebdo rally
After the devastating event, leaders all over the world came together for the unity march, which was a strong show of tolerance and solidarity. Until The Announcer (HaMevaser) got involved, photoshopping all of the women out of the shot. Even Angela Merkel, one of Europe’s most powerful people. If it couldn’t get more ridiculous, they wouldn’t even report the name of the women.
5. Iranian films
Let’s be honest, a lot of films could probably do with some censoring now and then – but Iran have taken this to a whole new level. The Iranian government claim the censoring are ‘adding modesty’ – I’m not so sure…
Blood is fine, but legs are a no-no
The photoshopping could do with some work
From girlfriend to floating hand, how is this helping anyone?
Even men aren’t allowed nipples
So pretty much women entirely, any womanly part of a man or any surname that matches homosexual terms is banned. And no nipples, never nipples…
We recently wrote about a girl who had her ‘period’ Instagram photo taken down due to similar issues. This is a more controversial piece of censoring, check it out and let us know what you think in a comment.