49 Awesome Pictures from Outer Space
What are the coolest pictures of space? The New Horizons Pluto flyby showed us our first close-up images of the demoted dwarf planet, and they’re spectacular. But awesome pictures of space aren’t new. From the first space pictures taken by craft that left the atmosphere to the thousands of pictures taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, there are now countless images of galaxies, star clusters, quasars, and some of the most remote planets in the visible universe.
But even pictures of our closest neighbors like the sun, moon, and planets in the Solar System have new surprises for us. Using sophisticated instruments, we can see different wavelengths of light, moons transiting across planets, and spectacular closeups of peaks and craters. Some of these photos of space are so beautiful, they don’t even seem real. As new telescopes and software are introduced by NASA, however, our views of the universe will become even more spectacular – making these images seem quaint.
But until then, enjoy this planet photography – some of the most incredible and best space pictures taken of both our Solar System and the great vastness of the universe.
0 50 Cone Nebula
Monkey Head Nebula
Barnard 33
Galaxy ARP 273
Enter any name and brace yourself
The Surface of Venus
Far Side of the Moon
Jupiter’s Great Red Spot
RS Puppis
M104 (Sombrero Galaxy)
Closeup of Pluto
High-Energy Sun X-Ray
First Color Photo of Mercury
2015’s First Full Image of the Sunlight Side of Earth Since Apollo 17
Eagle Nebula (Pillars of Creation)
Astronaut Bruce McCandless in Space
3D Photo of Mars, by India’s Mars Orbiter
Centaurus A
Carina Nebula
V838 Monocerotis
NGC 1300
Pluto in Full Color
Pinwheel Galaxy
Supernova Remanent
Flame Nebula
MyCN18 (Engraved Hourglass Nebula)
M15 Cluster
IC 418 (The Spirograph)
Westerlund 2
Pluto’s Dark Areas Close Up
Supersonic Shockwave Backlit By the Sun
Antenna Galaxies
Orion Nebula
Pluto’s Mysterious “Snakeskin” Landscapes