Boners are almost always awkward, but random public boners? Even more awkward.
1. What a great day at the beach!
2. Some people just really like basketball, ok.
3. Hmm, not sure if I wanna be in this guy’s class.
4. How was that lunch Jay-Z.
5. Ah, teen dances…always awkward.
6. Just casually watching you bend over.
7. Might wanna invest in something a bit more loose next time.
8. There are so many questions that can be asked here.
9. Just a casual park boner
10. Is it the dancing or the stars that got him excited?
11. Iron Man indeed.
12. Winning is a rush!
13. Maybe he should stand in front of those girls.
14. Could be a good way to psych out his competition.
15. You can find a bush near most boners…
16. To be fair, when DOESN’T Bill Clinton have a boner?
17. Nothing like some intense rowing to get you in the mood.
18. He seems surprised by it.
19. Is this what wrestling is like? I would have wrestled more had I known.