This Brand New Samsung Safety Truck Could Save Countless Lives

Overtaking slow-moving trucks on single roads is notoriously difficult in Argentina, and has lead to countless road accidents. Thankfully though electronics giant Samsung have devised a way to make this process WAY safer, not only making overtaking easier, but genuinely saving lives in the process.

Samsung delivery trucks in the South American country have been fitted with a built-in wireless camera at the front, with the picture shown on the back of the vehicle. Drivers behind can see exactly what’s in front of the truck, making overtaking a much simpler and less dramatic manoeuvre.

Phones, tablets, and now road safety – what will Samsung do next?

A truly clever and innovative idea, it makes you wonder why someone hasn’t thought of this before. Like all the best ideas, it’s simple yet brilliant. If you are a tech-wizard and love this new camera, then these clueless parents texting will have you questioning everything you hold dear. Do you think Samsung’s new road safety camera is a good idea? Let us know what you think.