These DIY Glowing Jars Are Easy To Make And Totally Boss Looking

There are many occasions in life when your standard lighting doesn’t quite do the job. Maybe you’re thinking about making the move on a date, maybe you’re relaxing with a movie and pizza, or, maybe you’ve just rolled up a Jeffrey and too much light is intimidating. Instead of popping to the hardware shop for a dimmer, why not create something awesome yourself. It really is easy as pie.

These DIY Glowing Jars Are Easy To Make And Totally Boss Looking

All you need is water, a jar and glow sticks.

This is what you do:

  1. Find great jar
  2. Fill said jars with water
  3. Buy a batch of glow sticks, and carefully, take the broken glow sticks and mix them into each container.

Or go for a slightly cooler, more adult look:

These DIY Glowing Jars Are Easy To Make And Totally Boss Looking

The picture above uses highlighter liquid and fake plants/animals. Let the highlighter and water sit overnight and then take out the highlighter insides out of the water which leaves you with glowing liquid.

These DIY Glowing Jars Are Easy To Make And Totally Boss Looking

These fairy or firefly jars are super easy to make as well! Cut open the glow stick and shake it into the jar, add diamond glitter and shake it all up… job done.

These glow in the dark jars are ideal for festival season or house parties; just imagine looking at them when high as kite?! Plenty more party hacks out there as well, may as well make your bash the talk of social media.