Grandmother thought cocaine in her granola bar was Willy Wonka golden ticket
Granola bars are meant to be healthy so it’s quite surprising this one came with the added ingredient of cocaine.
Police in Texas are investigating how a packet of the drug ended up in the wrapped food item.
Cynthia Rodriguez, of San Antonio, said she was eating the Nature Valley bar when a small green bag emblazoned with dollar signs fell out.

The cocaine was found in a granola bar (Picture: File)
Thinking she had won a Willy Wonka-style prize she contacted manufacturer General Mills, but the company told her to call police.
‘It’s a somewhat disturbing case,’ Sargent Javier Salazar, from the San Antonio Police Department, told KENS 5.
He added: ‘You think of a child getting a hold of a package that’s got interesting symbols on it, dollar signs in this case, and ingesting something like cocaine that could have a possibly dangerous effect, maybe even deadly on a child.’
General Mills said it was confident the cocaine was not packaged with the bar at a company factory, but that brings little comfort to Rodriguez, who has three of her 11 grandchildren living with her.