Someone built a ‘goldfish wheelchair’ for a fish that couldn’t stay upright

Some people have little regard for the goldfish. Not this one’s owner (Picture: Imgur/leability)
Do you remember when goldfish used to be given away as prizes to children at fairs, despite the very real possibility that the child would drop it on the way home, wouldn’t have a tank to put it in or would simply be negligent?
Clearly, some people have very little regard for the humble goldfish.
Not this person.
Reddit user leability built what he calls a ‘goldfish wheelchair’ for a fish that was having trouble staying upright.
The ‘wheelchair’ consists of a tape or bandage wrapped around the underside of the fish and attached to a cork, which functions as a floating device.
If the greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated, as Mahatma Gandhi famously claimed, then the home of leability and his disabled fish must be some sort of utopia.