Bullied Because He Was Different, I Burst Into Tears What The Boy Behind Him Did.
Fifth Grade Boys Stand Up To Bullies
Franklin Elementary school has a group of fifth grade boys that are melting hearts around the world. When they discovered one of their classmates was being bullied because he had special needs, they decided to band together and watch over the young man. The school has anti-bullying lessons and their teacher believes it struck a chord with them. But how theses boys responded surprised even her.
The young man’s mom has been brought to tears how her son’s life has been changed. She adopted him as a baby from an orphanage in Columbia and at age six he lost his adopted father in a bicycle accident. Where he used to not want to play outside at recess, now he is excited. He loves sports and the group of boys had the idea to buy him a Playstation with sports games. For the first time ever, he had boys over to play with him and these boys have discovered they too have a found a wonderful friend. What an incredible group of boys making a huge difference in this family’s life!
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