11 Times Cats And Dogs Were Photographed Mid Sneeze and Looked Just Hysterical

If you think YOU look goofy when you sneeze, take some solace in the fact that you don’t look quite this ridiculous.

1. This is the derpiest Christmas ever.

11 Times Cats And Dogs Were Photographed Mid Sneeze and Looked Just Hysterical

2. That one looks like it hurts!

11 Times Cats And Dogs Were Photographed Mid Sneeze and Looked Just Hysterical

3. There’s a fine line between a growl and a sneeze…

11 Times Cats And Dogs Were Photographed Mid Sneeze and Looked Just Hysterical

4. Say cheese!!!

11 Times Cats And Dogs Were Photographed Mid Sneeze and Looked Just Hysterical

5. D’AWWWW a cuter face could not possibly be made.

11 Times Cats And Dogs Were Photographed Mid Sneeze and Looked Just Hysterical

6. This one looks a teenager with an attitude problem.

11 Times Cats And Dogs Were Photographed Mid Sneeze and Looked Just Hysterical

7. How do those wrinkles even happen!?

11 Times Cats And Dogs Were Photographed Mid Sneeze and Looked Just Hysterical

8. That eye roll you make every time your friend starts drunk texting at the bar…

11 Times Cats And Dogs Were Photographed Mid Sneeze and Looked Just Hysterical

9. Why is this dog’s sneeze the scariest thing since Kujo??

11 Times Cats And Dogs Were Photographed Mid Sneeze and Looked Just Hysterical

10. That awkward moment where you sneeze on the person you’re cuddling with.

11 Times Cats And Dogs Were Photographed Mid Sneeze and Looked Just Hysterical

11. Sneeze? Or moment of utter disbelief?

11 Times Cats And Dogs Were Photographed Mid Sneeze and Looked Just Hysterical