This Quick And Easy Mosquito Trap Will Save Your Bacon This Summer
Are you the sort of person who spends the summer months hopelessly battling against the buzzing blood-sucking scourge that is mosquitos? Well this summer we have a special little repellent recipe that could save your bacon… and your perfect bronzed skin.
Made with only three ingredients; brown sugar, warm water and yeast – this is an easy way to trap mosquitos and stop them biting you to smithereens. The trap mechanism itself is also a doddle to put together, with only a two litre plastic bottle needed.
So say goodbye to expensive bug sprays, and welcome this makeshift trap that will make your summers stress free once more.
I know what I’ll be using this summer to avoid the plague of mosquitos. With only two simple steps and a few basic ingredients, this trap will make frolicking in the sun so much more enjoyable. Have you got a phobia of bugs? Here are some pictures of spiders that will freak you right out. Have you tried this epic DIY trap? Let us know what you think of the results.