The Scientific Reasons Men Are Attracted To Big Booty’s

If you’re anything like Sir Mixalot, then chances are you like big butts and you cannot lie.

The Scientific Reasons Men Are Attracted To Big Bootys

A fuller rear has become increasingly desirable in recent years, and many of us women have been hitting the gym and squatting like it’s hot in order to perk up our behinds and keep up with the likes of J-Lo and Kim K. Turns out there’s actually a science behind why men find big butts so damn bootylicious, and it’s not all about the arse.

Scientists at Bilkent University found that men are particularly attracted to women with a spine that curves at exactly 45 degrees above the top of her bottom. The researchers also found that a physical curvature of the spine is seen as more attractive than extra bum mass.

The Scientific Reasons Men Are Attracted To Big Bootys

For the study, 300 men were shown silhouettes of women with different angles of curvature and asked to rate the images based on how attractive they found each silhouette. The results found that most men were more attracted to the silhouette with a spine curve of 45.5 degrees. The study was originally published in the journal Evolution and Human Behaviour.

The men were also shown three pictures of women with butts that were equally as large but for different reasons – such as spine curvature, excess fat or excess muscle. And again, the majority of men were drawn to the image of the woman with the curved spine.

The Scientific Reasons Men Are Attracted To Big Bootys

Dr Lewis, one of the psychologists at the University, said: “Men who think they like big bottoms may actually be more into spines. Men may be directing their attention to the butt and obtaining information about women’s spines, even if they are unaware that that is what their minds are doing.”

Men have found this degree of spine angle attractive for centuries due the effect it has on how many children a woman could bear.

“Consequently, ancestral women who possessed this degree of lumbar curvature would have been able to forage longer into pregnancy and would have been able to carry out multiple pregnancies with a reduced risk of spinal injury,” explained Dr Lewis.

The Scientific Reasons Men Are Attracted To Big Bootys

So really what he’s saying is that men are attracted to women with bigger butts – or a curved spine if we’re taking the above into account – because they subconsciously see this as a sign that the woman will be able to carry more children and remain active during the course of the pregnancy. And yet you men still say us women move to quickly when it comes to relationships.

I guess Sir Mixalot should change his lyrics to ‘I like curved spines and I cannot lie’ – although that’s not quite as catchy. You might also like to read why science says swearing a lot just means we’re a confident badass.