The 25 Worst (We Mean Best) Infomercials Of All Time
Advertising is an insidious world. Using people’s fears and insecurities to sell them things they don’t need certainly can’t be seen as morally sound. But what’s even more concerning is that right now the research and development department of a household goods company is creating problems which don’t exist. Under the Utah desert, in a bunker which is awash with ketchup and cereal, scientists provoke cack-handed individuals into dropping, spilling, breaking or throwing just about anything they can.
The model works like this: Create a Problem -> Create a Solution -> Solve the Problem. And once you know how to solve the problem, you can create one of these glorious infomercials in order to convince the general public that this is a serious and commonplace issue. Needless to say, these infomercials are hilarious. So whether you’re a Calamity Jane, a Calamity John or none of the above, enjoy these 21 gifs of people suffering from the world’s stupidest problems.
1. Who doesn’t stare at the camera in bewilderment after such an ordeal
2. An accounting error left these guys with a huge budget to play with
3. All common sense evaporates in the world of the infomercial
4. If you look closely, you can see that the tape measure has actually come alive
5. I love the panning shot of disappointment
6. Why?
7. I can’t even count the number of times this has happened to me
8. All this poor girl wants to do is sunbathe. Someone design her a solution
9. This woman literally has butterfingers
10. Tupperware tsunamis are a regular occurrence
11. This is like watching a malfunctioning robot try to crack an egg
12. Cling film: the hidden menace of every kitchen
13. I could move the bowl closer or I could spend just $8.99
14. What exactly was this advertising?
15. I can solve this problem: get this dirty fucking kid out of your house
16. The elbow is the body’s trouble maker
17. When you’re the same size as the bottle you’re pouring from, it can make the process seem impossible
18. Another tsunami
19. Who doesn’t try to cut bread like this?
20. This can only be advertising an extra arm
21. The ultimate target for these infomercials: Life’s victims
With all those ridiculous problem-solving purchases your home may be becoming cluttered. Perhaps it’s time to have a clear out and minimise your purchasing. However, there’s one last thing you should buy – this ingenious box which contains everything you need in your home.