New fathers get an entire year of paternity leave on full pay at Virgin

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Most companies offer new Dads a grudging couple of weeks – but new fathers who work at Virgin will soon get up to a year on full pay.
The pay is service-related, from 25% for those with less than two years’ service, to 100% for those with more than 4 years’ service.
It also applies to adoptive parents.
Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Group Founder, said: ‘I believe if you take care of your employees they will take care of your business.
Should Dads get a year off for paternity leave?
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‘As a father and now a proud granddad to three wonderful grandchildren, I know how magical the first year of a child’s life is but also how much hard work it takes.
‘I’m delighted that we can offer this support to our staff so that they can enjoy parental leave to the full.