Man Calls Threatening Suicide, Police Respond By Killing Him
When Justin Way’s girlfriend found him in bed with a knife threatening to take his own life, she quickly called a non-emergency number to try and get him into a hospital. Minutes later, the 28-year-old was shot dead in his bedroom by two police officers with assault rifles.
Way’s live-in girlfriend, Kaitlyn Christine Lyons, told how she found her boyfriend drinking a bottle of vodka in bed – which immediately rang alarm bells with her – so she took it away from him to pour down the sink. When she returned, she found him drunk in bed with a large knife, promising to hurt himself with it.
It’s always difficult to know what to do in those situations and Lyons responded in the only way she knew how, by calling a non-emergency number to try and get help for her boyfriend – it’s important to note she told those on the other end of the line that she did not feel threatened.
Kaitlyn told that her brother had been Baker Acted (an involuntary institutionalisation of an individual that can be authorised by law-enforcement officials) previously, so she assumed that would be the result Justin met too. Lyons makes it clear that the only person Justin threatened to hurt was himself and fully believes he did not want to die.
Minutes later, St. John’s Country Sheriff deputies, Jonas Carballosa, 26 and Kyle Braig, 32, arrived at the home with assault rifles and told the worried girlfriend to wait outside.
Within moments, Justin was shot dead.
The initial report sent to George and Denise Way, Justin’s parents, told how officers had been attacked by Justin and how Kaitlyn had been threatened by him – which she continues to deny.
Denise also told how Detective Mike Smith relayed events to her, “they told Justin to drop the knife and he didn’t–so they shot him because that’s what we do.”
The bereaved mother also told how she wasn’t told where or how many times her son was shot and that it was a case of ‘suicide by cop’ – which involves a suicidal person provoking police, intending to be shot.
Justin’s parents strongly disbelieve their son was a threat as they believe he was lying in bed when shot. They brought Justin’s mattress to the curb after his death, claiming a bullet hole had been dug out of the bed from a hole found in the middle of it. George Way also claimed the bed was soaked in blood and none hit the walls or the floor.
They finished by saying that they did not want to call the police ever again – for anything.
One of the deputies involved, Jonas Carballosa, once posted the following quote on his facebook: “Most people respect the badge. Everyone respects the gun.”
If there was ever a call for police to rethink the way they use guns, this is it. A sad turn of events for a clearly troubled man.