Here’s A Video That Compares Life As A Black And A White Person

1. In its newest video, Brave New Films displays different studies depicting what it’s like living as a black person compared to a white person in America.

2. According to a University of Chicago study, r sum s with black-sounding names are 50% less likely to get a call back.

Heres A Video That Compares Life As A Black And A WhitePerson
Heres A Video That Compares Life As A Black And A WhitePerson

3. What about when a black person wants to buy a car?

Heres A Video That Compares Life As A Black And A WhitePerson

Brave New Films cites this study, which says black people are charged roughly $700 more than white people when buying cars.

4. Multiple studies show black drivers are twice as likely to get pulled over by the cops.

Heres A Video That Compares Life As A Black And A WhitePerson

5. What about buying a house?

Heres A Video That Compares Life As A Black And A WhitePerson
Heres A Video That Compares Life As A Black And A WhitePerson

The video points out that black clients are shown 17.7% fewer houses for sale.

6. The video also cites this ACLU study, which says marijuana use is equal between blacks and whites. However, black people are four times more likely to be arrested.

Heres A Video That Compares Life As A Black And A WhitePerson
Heres A Video That Compares Life As A Black And A WhitePerson

7. And in the medical world, according to another study, doctors did not inform black patients as often as white ones about an important heart procedure.

Heres A Video That Compares Life As A Black And A WhitePerson

8. The video concludes by saying, “If this isn’t racism, what is? Racism isn’t over.”

Heres A Video That Compares Life As A Black And A WhitePerson