Guy Invents Incredible Lawnmower That Mows Lawn In Half The Time

I love Summer as much as the next girl; every winter I look ahead longingly, making grand plans for the summer season that’s (not so fast) approaching. From homemade lemonade to picnics in the park (never happens) – my ideals of summer are the classics.

Through rose-tinted glasses, I completely ignore all of the pitfalls of summer, with cutting the lawn sitting right at the top of that list. I now have two bits of garden so that’s even double the work. Every weekend I hear the hum of my neighbours lawnmowers and I know that the time has arrived for me to complete the dreaded duty. If only I had some kind of epic grass-cutting creation that’d mow the lawn in half the time?

Oh, a bit like this one…

Source: Genius way to mow lawn in half the time by boomerangsbyVic on Rumble

I’m not quite sure of the logistics on this one but it cannot be denied that it’s a bit of a bloody brilliant invention. If only we all had one of these.