Artists Cut 98 Different Raw Foods Into Cubes To Make Perfectionists Hungry

An artistic duo that goes by the name Lernert & Sander created a pretty crazy food design for a Dutch morning newspaper.

Lernert & Sander teamed up with a paper called de Volkskrant Nieuws to gather 98 raw, unprocessed foods and cut them all into mesmerising little cubes. From fruits like pineapples and pomegranates, to different cuts of fish like like salmon and tuna, they transformed all 98 of the foods into 2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5-centimetre pieces.

Artists Cut 98 Different Raw Foods Into Cubes To Make Perfectionists Hungry

A closer look:

Artists Cut 98 Different Raw Foods Into Cubes To Make Perfectionists Hungry

Artists Cut 98 Different Raw Foods Into Cubes To Make Perfectionists Hungry

One Reditor decided to name all of the cubes

Artists Cut 98 Different Raw Foods Into Cubes To Make Perfectionists Hungry

Still not sure what a ‘purple potato’ is, but aside from that these tasty-cubes look really appealing, they could well feature alongside these 19 food jackpots that are the stuff of dreams.

Artists Cut 98 Different Raw Foods Into Cubes To Make Perfectionists Hungry

An artistic duo that goes by the name Lernert & Sander created a pretty crazy food design for a Dutch morning newspaper.

Lernert & Sander teamed up with a paper called de Volkskrant Nieuws to gather 98 raw, unprocessed foods and cut them all into mesmerising little cubes. From fruits like pineapples and pomegranates, to different cuts of fish like like salmon and tuna, they transformed all 98 of the foods into 2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5-centimetre pieces.

Artists Cut 98 Different Raw Foods Into Cubes To Make Perfectionists Hungry

A closer look:

Artists Cut 98 Different Raw Foods Into Cubes To Make Perfectionists Hungry

Artists Cut 98 Different Raw Foods Into Cubes To Make Perfectionists Hungry

One Reditor decided to name all of the cubes

Artists Cut 98 Different Raw Foods Into Cubes To Make Perfectionists Hungry

Still not sure what a ‘purple potato’ is, but aside from that these tasty-cubes look really appealing, they could well feature alongside these 19 food jackpots that are the stuff of dreams.