29 Times People Gave It A Go But Just Didn’t Get It
There are things in life that it’s okay not to get. I’ll never understand aerospace engineering, for example; while my knowledge on hydraulics is lukewarm at best. David Miliband will never get what people want. And Floyd Mayweather will never understand why money can’t buy popularity.
But when you don’t get the basic premise of hoovers, or the fact that people don’t like to do a number two in public; something’s wrong. Scarily, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The 29 people in this article came, saw and failed, and they’re lack of social nous and awareness is todays entertainment. Enjoy.
1. Just because you can see through windows, doesn’t mean you can reach through them.
2. Dafuq?
3. Ah must be opposite world.
4. She needs to clean up her act.
5. After this we should spray “Save water” on the road with a hose.
6. Except this one.
7. Is he playing the organ?
8. Nice and diverse.
9. Go home, please.
10. Bit exposed.
11. Rubbish.
12. Really?
13. In return for asking you get a free cake.
14. Could be an apple.
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