29 Passive-Aggressive Parking Notes That Forgot To Be Passive

Most of us have been there: you’re trying to enter or leave a parking space and can’t because of someone else’s terrible parking job. Who do these people think they are? Taking up two spaces or jutting your car out into the street just tells the world you don’t know what you’re doing. Obviously, the best way to handle this is with a passive (or not so passive) aggressive note on the offender’s car. We looked for some of the funniest notes to bad parkers on the web, these 29 are amongst the very best (and funniest!)…

1. You know it’s a good note when the opening line is: ‘Hey Fuck Face’:

29 PassiveAggressive Parking Notes That Forgot To Be Passive

2. The tight squeeze:

29 PassiveAggressive Parking Notes That Forgot To Be Passive

3. Thoughtful relationship advice:

29 PassiveAggressive Parking Notes That Forgot To Be Passive

4. ‘You no park of my privates”:

29 PassiveAggressive Parking Notes That Forgot To Be Passive

5. Five pieces of paper means this note-leaver was seriously angry:

29 PassiveAggressive Parking Notes That Forgot To Be Passive

6. The X-ray note:

29 PassiveAggressive Parking Notes That Forgot To Be Passive

7. The Bill Murray:

29 PassiveAggressive Parking Notes That Forgot To Be Passive

8. The pop-loving note-leaver:

29 PassiveAggressive Parking Notes That Forgot To Be Passive

9. The Stevie Wonderer:

29 PassiveAggressive Parking Notes That Forgot To Be Passive

10. This Starsky & Hutch fan:

29 PassiveAggressive Parking Notes That Forgot To Be Passive

11. Santa is not always jolly:

29 PassiveAggressive Parking Notes That Forgot To Be Passive

12. The considerate, educated note-leaver:

29 PassiveAggressive Parking Notes That Forgot To Be Passive

13. The melted ice-cream:

29 PassiveAggressive Parking Notes That Forgot To Be Passive

14. The person taking the hit for the rest of humanity:

29 PassiveAggressive Parking Notes That Forgot To Be Passive

The story continues on the next page…

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