28 Pictures That Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh, Every Time

Laughter releases endorphins in the same way that exercise does. Like exercise, laughter is actually good for you. Humour and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, it’s a free medicine that can be used over and over again. Unfortunately, watching The Hangover on repeat is not sufficient to cure all your ills, but you know what they say – some laughter a day keeps the doctor away. We give you 28 guaranteed laughs, every single time…

1. This lady’s alternative spelling:

28 Pictures That Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh Every Time

2. Heavenly bullying:

28 Pictures That Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh Every Time

3. The lover’s long wait:

28 Pictures That Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh Every Time

4. This moment of realisation:

28 Pictures That Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh Every Time

5. The university lecture:

28 Pictures That Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh Every Time

6. The accidental football bully:

28 Pictures That Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh Every Time

7. The (probably German) over-friendly stranger:

28 Pictures That Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh Every Time

8. The new arrival:

28 Pictures That Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh Every Time

9. The surprise balloons:

28 Pictures That Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh Every Time

10. The wonderfully-timed selfie:

28 Pictures That Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh Every Time

11. Confessions of an evil cat:

28 Pictures That Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh Every Time

12. This yard sale:

28 Pictures That Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh Every Time

13. The counting game:

28 Pictures That Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh Every Time

14. The kid who turned his swag on…

28 Pictures That Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh Every Time

The story continues on the next page…

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