24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That You’ve Never Seen Before

The internet is diluted with weird and wonderful things and people have access to pretty much anything these days. We’re speaking to people we’d never have spoken to before and we’re seeing things we’d never have had the chance to see. That makes it pretty difficult to find 25 photos of things you’ve never seen before – but we’ve done it anyway.

Pictures say a thousand words and these ones just won’t stop talking.

1. Believe it or not, this is one picture

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

2. Have you ever seen a more incredible drawing of a wave? If so, I’ll eat my hat

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

3. Bismuth is a chemical element with an iridescent oxide surface. I don’t know what most of that means but it looks incredible

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

4. Just a machine that lays paths…

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

5. You’ve heard of a bridge over troubled waters? Well, this isn’t that – but it is a bridge over icy waters

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

6. View from the International Space Station of shuttle Atlantis

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

7. This isn’t your page still loading – it was designed to look this way

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

8. Some of you catch cabs, this turtle rides jellyfish

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

9. When a lizard sheds it’s face in one go

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

10. The results of a lightning strike

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

11. This scary looking thing is a child’s skull before baby teeth are lost

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

12. The black swallower fish eats prey up to ten times its length

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

13. When a sunset and an eclipse combine

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

14. When fireworks and camera refocusing combine

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

15. Incredible lenticular ‘UFO’ cloud which may or may not look like a flying saucer sweet

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

16. You have it on good authority that there are 1 million different colours in this. You can count if you don’t believe me.

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

17. How you see the world vs how a cat sees the world

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

18. You know you’re litre bottle of drink? Well, this is how it starts out before air is added

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

19. A 3D printed cast that uses ultrasound to heal bones up to 40% quicker

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

20. A dog made from pipe cleaners, cheaper to feed, requires less walking

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

21. Sand bar on the Bermuda triangle that has caught 16 ships

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

22. The world’s deepest swimming pool. 113ft and it holds 60,000 gallons of water so bring your rubber rings

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

23. What a beautifully geometric cabbage

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before

24. An egg with over 2,000 holes drilled into it

24 Ridiculously Awesome Photos That Youve Never Seen Before