23 Outfits Every Person Will (Unfortunately) Immediately Recognise

One of the most distinctive facets of society is fashion, and whether you’re a fully Ralph Lauren outfitted prep boy or a deadlock-proud hippy in a vest – fashion is everywhere. It’s abundance makes fashion one of the easiest – and funnest – things to stereotype. Posh wankers, skaters, goths, punks, emos, ravers, hipsters, sweet-mates and 40-year old dudes in tennis shoes are some of the more prominent fashion statements in contemporary society. Check these 23 distinct outfits that we guarantee you’ve seen before, it’s a real stitch.

1. The ‘wait till Father hears about this’ kinda guys

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

2. The Jeremy Kyle Show fan/guest

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

3. The Douchebag

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

4. The just got back from a gap year

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

5. The sleepover

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

6. Every single male in the world currently has this hair cut

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

7. Middle-class white girl in Winter (Summer V Winter)

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

8. The mid-teen Sk8er Boi

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

9. The preppy girl

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

10. The Dad

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

11. The US dad

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

12. The ‘I’ll be in Jail soon’ look

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

13. The cool academic

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

14. The Sci-Fi fanatics

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

15. The ‘I spend all my spare time on the street corner’

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

16. The sports guy

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

17. The little twat

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

18. The standard guy

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

19. The accountant

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

20. The racist old guy

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

21.The ‘My name is Hugo’

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

22. The baller

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

23. And the outfit that pretty much sums up humanity on the whole

23 Outfits Every Person Will Unfortunately Immediately Recognise

We humans are very predictable and pretty much all look exactly the same. The ease at which fashion groups can be pigeon-holed shows how set in stone various fashion cults are, and makes for hilarious reading.