23 Most Astonishing Sights You’ll See Today. Number 7 Is Just Horrible Though
Let’s face it, the world is bloody mental. As Ferris Bueller said, “the world moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop to look around once in a while you could miss it.” With this in mind, we’ve compiled the 23 most amazing sights that you’re going to see today and placed them all in this list, so its nice and easy for you to be astonished today – take a look.
1. The brand-spanking new hyper-detailed CT scanner
2. Made purely from clothes and wood, wow
3. Looking up at a microscope from a petri dish
4. Believe it or not – this is an oil painting
5. Lost for words
6. This spider hunts with a net
7. A drop of water or a disco ball?
8. Trumpet flies
9. Fly’s are actually pretty good looking up close
10. Bravit candles are hot at the moment
11. Each dot is moving in a straight line, talk about a head fuck
12. Erosion can be beautiful
13. Long-exposure photo of wasps swarming a light
14. What hits you first, light or darkness?
15. Pretty impressive (wankerish) sentence
16. Spin you right round
17. The James Bond of the spider world
18. That watermelon has a bit of bite
19. To-scale chart of the celestial bodies in our solar system
20. Reeealllyyy long exposure photograph
21. Nope that’s not from Wall-E, it’s the eye of a palaemonid shrimp
22. This is one photograph
So there you have it, 23 truly marvellous sights, some are man-made, some natural, but all of them are astonishing. Spread this article with your mates so they to can be wowed by the wonders of our planet.