21 Times Shit Got Well And Truly Out Of Hand
We all know someone crazy. You know what I mean, the person who is bloody insane. The mate who goes into an Indian restaurant and has chips. That relative who drinks so much coke that they get a sugar rush. True menaces to society.
Yeah we all know these people, and they are so lame it’s actually hilarious. Their idea of shit getting out of hand is using the last of the toilet roll and not telling anyone.
Sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll? No thanks, I’m going to pull my cat’s tail and see what happens. These mad fuckers are everywhere. Here are 21 times hit got well and truly out of hand (or not).
1. What is she like?!
2. You crazy bastard
4. What a bloody freak
5. Chill out lady
6. My palms are actually sweating mate
7. Madness
8. Somebody stop them before they bring down the government!
9. Holy cow
10. This guy is a fucking nutter
11. What a crazy world we live in
12. Who the fuck does this crazy shit?
13. God I wish I’d been there for that
14. You tell them my brother
15. With banter like that mate you’re set for life
16. Wow. I wonder what they’d do if they got their hands on some crack?
17. Where are your parents you madman?
18. Fucked up shit yo’
19. Terrifying
20. You guys better slow the fuck down
21. Fucking Jess and her hilarious pen antics, when will she learn?
22. You need to stop drinking immediately
Told you. 52 karat gold nutters, all of them. No seriously, these people are absolutely lame and if you know anyone like this, drop them like a stone. Somebody needs to teach these idiots how to have fun, and that drinking diet coke will get you nowhere in life. If you’re looking for something crazy, then check out these absolutely mental moments. Have you got lame ass friends like this? Let us know.