20 Times You Were Brilliantly Lied To By A Disturbing Thumbnail
So apparently the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was not convincing the world he didn’t exist, it was fooling people with thumbnails, more specifically, thumbnails that look like penises. Depending on how you look at it, thumbnails are either really f***king annoying, or very clever – see what you think…
1. Is is what you think it is?…
Yep, well it is if you thought it was a piglet with its parents
2. Definitely, definitely a dick
Nope, just a stained ceiling tile
3. Classic place for a piercing…
Woah perv, it’s just a hallway
4. Work of art
Or some shit on a street
5. This can’t be anything but a duck, right?
Oh, it’s a french fry
6. Holy shit it’s a transparent kitten
Nope, just a kitten
7. Giant bum
Or giant blimps…
8. But that’s a butt, surely…
Or it’s two chairs pushed together
9. Butt?
Butternut squash
10. A beautiful bird resting on a ledge
Pretty close
11. A red-faced man
Picking out shirts
12. Wrong time to get wood…
Well that’s a relief
13. No need to pull a gun out…
Oh. Ok. Carry on.
14. X-rated
Oh it’s elbows
15. The woman on the right has a large head…
Or a very confusing dress
16. Lovely legs man
Or not
17. Stretch-arm strong
Still don’t really understand what’s going on
18. Recent amputee and his girlfriend look adoreable
Worry not, all is well
19. Spooky ghost!
Or floor-coloured legs
20. Chihuahua’s are doing selfies these days
Or perfect timing
It’s amazing how thumbnails can lie to you, and the final result is rarely worth it.