20 Times Beauty Looked Far Better On Pinterest Than It Turned Out In Real Life
Social platforms like Pinterest and Instagram are popularising the idea that hair, nails and makeup are not only art but are also an accessible creative output which anyone can enjoy. The thing is, not everyone was good at art in school. While some kids could create Monet-like masterpieces, others could only draw weird stick-men with huge stomachs.
In this piece we visit the creative minds who aimed to recreate something spectacular, but didn’t quite manage to get the same effect.
1. Considering how bad that boarder is, it’s almost a shame the shine effect works so well
2. In the top frame we see the glory of nature recreated in nail art form. In the bottom frame we see gangrenous fingernails
3. The best laid plans…
4. This girl’s hallowing costume is genuinely horrifying
5. Think of the smell…
6. Close but no cigar
7. Maybe she didn’t watch the video tutorial
8. Someone’s been in the PVA glue again
9. The fine line between curls and frizz…
10. Something has clearly gone wrong with this method
11. The candy cane effect, as recreated by a baby
12. This nail looks more like it’s been in an accident than a nail bar
13. This is a great beautification method if you want to look like a poodle
14. I don’t see how this would really work in the first place
15. She looks like she’s been clawing her way out of a paint factory
16. Maybe it’s best not to take beauty advice from a vampire anyway
17. This girl looks like she’s been using Homer Simpson’s “makeup” gun
18. Again, this girl has either been talking makeup advice from ghosts or vampires
19. This girl must turn heads (and raise eyebrows)
20. This girl may have been looking in the wrong cupboard…
Based on the above images, perhaps it’s best if these girls leave it to the professionals. That said, maybe they were trying to put their own spin on it? After all, fashion is getting weird these days. Check out these 15 fashion trends which need to stop immediately.