20 Rare Animals That God Probably Made While He Was Drunk

When someone first told me there were over 28,000 different species of fish, I was astounded; there were so many animals out there I had no clue existed and that I’d probably never know about. Upon further inspection, I realised some of the amazing creatures I’d been missing out on, including these 20 that truly blew my mind.

1. Goblin shark

With a lineage of over 125 million years, these are the only extant representative of the Mitsukurinidae family.

20 Rare Animals That God Probably Made While He Was Drunk

2. Panda Ant

Even though its called an ant, it’s actually a wasp and the sting is very painful.

20 Rare Animals That God Probably Made While He Was Drunk

3. Okapi

I know what you’re thinking, a horse had a few drinks and hooked up with a zebra? It’s actually a type of bear.

20 Rare Animals That God Probably Made While He Was Drunk



Basically the unicorns of the sea, yep.

20 Rare Animals That God Probably Made While He Was Drunk

5. Sea pig

Their actual name is Scotoplanes and they live on deep ocean bottoms.

20 Rare Animals That God Probably Made While He Was Drunk

6. Shoebill

A very large stork-like bird…and the bill does look a bit like a shoe

20 Rare Animals That God Probably Made While He Was Drunk

7. Red-lipped batfish

This fish is always prepared for a night out

20 Rare Animals That God Probably Made While He Was Drunk

8. Atretochoana

You can imagine what the nickname these snakes have.

20 Rare Animals That God Probably Made While He Was Drunk

9. Thorn bug

A group of insects related to the leafhoppers

20 Rare Animals That God Probably Made While He Was Drunk

10. Lowland streaked tenrec

Found in Madagascar, you wouldn’t be blamed for thinking these hedgehogs…but they’re not, they’re tenrecs.

20 Rare Animals That God Probably Made While He Was Drunk

11. Hummingmoth

An insect that strongly resembles a hummingbird, hence the name

20 Rare Animals That God Probably Made While He Was Drunk

12. Blue sea bug

This is a fascinating looking creature but don’t get too touchy, they have a very painful sting

20 Rare Animals That God Probably Made While He Was Drunk

13. Mantis shrimp

Their eyes are so complex they see colours we don’t even know exist…amazing

20 Rare Animals That God Probably Made While He Was Drunk

14. Giant isopod

These are thought to be abundant in cold, deep ocean waters.

20 Rare Animals That God Probably Made While He Was Drunk

15. Blue parrotfish

This interesting looking fish is found on the coral reefs in shallow water in the tropical and subtropical parts of the Western Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Ocean.

20 Rare Animals That God Probably Made While He Was Drunk

16. Indian purple frog

If the appearance is a bit weird, the behaviour matches; these frogs make a noise similar to a chicken cluck

20 Rare Animals That God Probably Made While He Was Drunk

17. Thorny dragon

An Australian lizard, also known as the mountain devil. So…they sound friendly.

20 Rare Animals That God Probably Made While He Was Drunk

18. Pyura chilensis

Called the living rock, as it has a rock appearance with organs inside it. In some countries, they actually eat this.

20 Rare Animals That God Probably Made While He Was Drunk
20 Rare Animals That God Probably Made While He Was Drunk

19. Eastern long-necked turtle

Most turtles pull their head back into their shells but not these guys, who bend their necks sideways.

20 Rare Animals That God Probably Made While He Was Drunk

20. Aye-aye

No, this isn’t a cousin of Dobby the house elf. This is the largest nocturnal primate and eats by using a ‘special thin middle finger’ to pull grubs out of a tree through a hole made with it’s teeth. Decent.

20 Rare Animals That God Probably Made While He Was Drunk

How many of these had you heard of? They were all 100% new to me. Let us know in a comment. Also, check out another 20 bizarre animals that you wouldn’t believe exist.