19 Girls Perfectly Owning Ex Boyfriends Via Text
It’s actually quite astounding how a person can go from being your everything to being the worst kind of shit on your shoe almost instantly after a break-up. You know, that one that is impossible to wash off and you can’t get away from the stink of?
This isn’t true of all exes and I actually think some of mine are pretty awesome and the break-ups were mainly a case of wrong timing or whatever else but those that you actually thought a lot of and were let down by – those fuckers are the worst.
Everything you once adored about them now makes you sick in your mouth a little and in retrospect, you can’t believe you ever wasted your time on them. Unfortunately, these are usually the ones that think they can continue to text you after and these 19 people are perfect demonstrations of how to stomp that shit out.
1. She’s not wrong
2. *stealing this one for future use*
3. *and this one*
4. Nothing like a balance of the odds
5. Wasting no time with this one
6. Didn’t take that so well
7. Hang on, let me just go find a care to give, I’ll be back never
8. Literally laughing in the face of them
9. Yep
10. I’ll be free, on the 7th of nope
11. Not one single fuck is given
12. Don’t recycle that bull
13. Nope x1000
14. Can’t say it much clearer than that
15. The scissors though…
16. Just a reminder of why he’s no good
17. The ultimate
18. Nailed it
19. You can only hope…
We can all make the mistakes of drunken ex-texts and if we’re guilty of being the asshole in the past relationship (raises hand) then we can only expect this kind of abuse and take it on the chin because – well – we probably deserve it. The only thing probably worse than trying to slip in a cheeky text to an ex you’ve been a dick too is breaking up with someone over text – make it a phone call at the very least.