16 Of The Most Magnificent Trees Mother Nature Has Ever Produced
I’ve long been an advocate of the tree. What a bloody great thing they are. Supplying us with oxygen, giving our birds room to nest, and providing countless children with a climbing based pass-time. Yet, trees are one of those things that are usually just outside of our awareness. They’re so common, and always ‘just there,’ that sometimes we fail to really notice them, and to admire their beauty.
Trees are an incredible part of nature, vital to our everyday survival. Trees dot city squares, suburban landscapes, and uninhabited forests all over the world. With some 400 billion trees on the planet, and over 23,000 different kinds of trees, it takes an extra special something to make a tree stand out.
The following trees are too beautiful to ignore, however. Just take a peak at these 16 most unusual and stunning trees the earth has to offer.
1. 125+ year old rhododendron “tree” in Canada
2. 144-year-old Wisteria in Japan
4. Wind-swept trees in New Zealand
5. Japanese maple in Oregon
6. Antarctic Beech covered in hanging moss in Oregon
7. Blooming Cherry Trees in Bonn, Germany
8. Angel Oak in South Carolina
9. The aptly named Flamboyant Tree in Brazil
10. Dragonblood Trees, Yemen
11. The President, third-largest Giant Sequoia tree in the world, California
12. Maple Tree tunnel, Oregon
13. Rainbow Eucalyptus in Kauai, Hawaii
14. Jacarandas in Cullinan, South Africa
15. Avenue of Oaks at Dixie Plantation in South Carolina
16. Baobab Trees in Madagascar
17. The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland
While you see trees everyday of your life, some trees are different, unique in such a way you can’t help but stare in awe. There are certain trees, be they tall, thick, full of bright colors, or simply one-of-a-kind, that capture the attention of all who pass by. And when finally photographed, the photos of these extra special trees go viral on the Internet. And we’re glad they do. Congrats, Mother Nature.