14 Times The Simpsons Predicted The Future With Spooky Accuracy
A lot is said about The Simpsons. Some say it’s no longer any good whilst some still love it. They may have lost a voice or two in the shape of Harry Shearer but one thing’s for sure…
They’ve always been able to predict the future. Have a look our top 14 “Coincidences”.
“Lard of the Dance” aired in August 1998 and featured Homer and Bart getting into the grease selling business. They began to steal grease from Springfield Elementary School which, on the face of it, seems ridiculous. However, this happened in real life when, in 2011, St.Louis Dispatch reported $2000 worth of used grease being stolen from Bobby Tesslers St.Louis Wings Co. in Rock Hill, Missouri.
In September of 1997, The Simpsons released an episode named “The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson” which featured this snapshot. The $9 price next to the Twin Towers to have predicted a horrible tragedy.
Very much the Arnie of The Simpsons, McBain (in his film where he’s constantly on the look out for Mendoza) says
Ice to see you
which is pretty much identical to that terrible line from Batman.
“Lisa On Ice” aired in 1994. Kerney asks Dolph to make a note on his Apple digital assistant in it although, at the time, Apple had not fully adopted the touch screen aspect to their devices. Scott Forstall, an Apple engineer at the time was looking for a way to break away from the keyboard and had turned to The Simpsons as inspiration.
The “Treehouse of Horror XIX” opening scene depicts Homer having problems with the electronic voting machine. This sadly shows what happened in 2012 where the system froze out other candidates.
In the 1993 classic episode “$pringfield”, The Simpsons depict the 2003 tiger mauling of Siegfried and Roy with their parody characters, Gunter and Ernst.
In the 1995 episode “Lemons of Troy”, the kids from Shelbyville steal the tree that belongs to those of Springfield. In 2013 an incident happened in Houston where someone stole a lemon tree.
Heard of Farmville? Of course you have. Simpsons were there with Yard Work Simulator first in 1998.
The 1996 episode
Bart After Dark
featured an intercom that looks suspiciously similar to a 2001 Apple iPod… Coincidence?
In 1999, Homer creates a plant named Tomacco due to the radiation in his field mutating his crops. In 2011, Japan announced that this had happened by accident to their crops thanks to all of the radiation.
In the 1995 episode,
Lisa’s Wedding,
The Simpsons predicted that the Rolling Stones would still be touring way into the future… although wheelchair-less.
Another episode set in the future, this one from 2005, what Marge is doing here is all too similar to modern-day 3D-Printing.
In 1991, The Simpsons joked about how much fan mail Ringo Star gets. However we now know that he only just stopped replying to fan mail and, in another case, it took Paul McCartney 50 years to reply to one specific bit of fan mail.
It looks like the episode
Lisa’s Sax
predicted the Ebola Virus outbreak of 2014. Spooky.
So there you have it. How do The Simpsons keep their ideas fresh? They have a time machine… obviously.
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