14 Really Interesting Things They Forgot To Teach You In School

When you leave school you realise that it didn’t actually teach you anything you’ll ever use again. I can safely say that I’ve never required a Venn Diagram, never needed to say, “my hamster is sick” in Spanish and never dissected a frog. It turns out that these are just the tip of the iceberg, and that we all have even more fundamental gaps in our education.

For example, how do they put the filling inside an ice cream sandwich? Surely we can’t continue living without that essential piece of information. Or without knowing…

1. How filming in green screen works.

14 Really Interesting Things They Forgot To Teach You In School

2. How ice cream sandwiches are made.

14 Really Interesting Things They Forgot To Teach You In School

3. How a top-loading washing machine works.

14 Really Interesting Things They Forgot To Teach You In School

4. How your zip works.

14 Really Interesting Things They Forgot To Teach You In School

5. What it looks like when you have a sip of water.

14 Really Interesting Things They Forgot To Teach You In School

6. How ice cream cones are made.

14 Really Interesting Things They Forgot To Teach You In School

7. How Michael Jackson actually defied gravity.

14 Really Interesting Things They Forgot To Teach You In School

8. How fans oscillate.

14 Really Interesting Things They Forgot To Teach You In School

9. How a key works in the lock.

14 Really Interesting Things They Forgot To Teach You In School

10. How WIFI travels in your apartment.

14 Really Interesting Things They Forgot To Teach You In School

11. How ants walk.

14 Really Interesting Things They Forgot To Teach You In School

12. How paperclips are shaped and manufactured.

14 Really Interesting Things They Forgot To Teach You In School

13. How coins are sorted.

14 Really Interesting Things They Forgot To Teach You In School

14. How fortune cookies are folded.

14 Really Interesting Things They Forgot To Teach You In School

I told you this was all essential information, maybe some of these are curriculum essential, but boy would they have made school a whole lot more fun and interesting. What else do you feel schools should have taught you but didn’t? Let us know with a comment.

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