13 Brilliant Photos That Prove Karma’s A Bitch

Karma is defined as: ‘the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.’ Which basically means, be nice to people if you want to have a good life. And when you’re not nice, karma will get you. Well, that’s exactly what happened with these 13 people who immediately regretted their actions…

1. Serves him right

13 Brilliant Photos That Prove Karmas A Bitch

2. Jokes on you

13 Brilliant Photos That Prove Karmas A Bitch

3. Karma’s a bitch

13 Brilliant Photos That Prove Karmas A Bitch

4. Bad parking needs to be punished

13 Brilliant Photos That Prove Karmas A Bitch

5. Drives you mad

13 Brilliant Photos That Prove Karmas A Bitch

6. Well that would be rubbish

13 Brilliant Photos That Prove Karmas A Bitch

7. All the people he shat on will be very satisfied

13 Brilliant Photos That Prove Karmas A Bitch

8. This is bloody disgusting, just like that bit in Superbad

13 Brilliant Photos That Prove Karmas A Bitch

9. Hope that bear teaches them a lesson

13 Brilliant Photos That Prove Karmas A Bitch

10. Couldn’t be any better

13 Brilliant Photos That Prove Karmas A Bitch

11. That’s why they say don’t park by fire hydrants

13 Brilliant Photos That Prove Karmas A Bitch

12. Sounds like a terrible human being

13 Brilliant Photos That Prove Karmas A Bitch

13. He can expect a police visit

13 Brilliant Photos That Prove Karmas A Bitch

Doesn’t it feel brilliant when justice is served! Let’s just hope that Mr Pistorius gets what he has coming to him when he’s sentenced next week.