12 Ironic Facts People With A Dark Sense Of Humour Will Appreciate

If you judge irony on the song by Alanis Morissette, you’re probably doing irony wrong. “It’s a black fly in your chardonnay,” annoying? Sure. Ironic? Not so much. “It’s a death row pardon two minutes too late,” well, that’s just unfortunate. I guess “Isn’t it unfortunate?” didn’t have the same ring to it.

Anyway, when true and brutal irony strikes, it can cause the greatest amusement to those with a twisted sense of humour and these 12 facts will feed your deliciously devilish needs a little for sure.

1. No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because the building holding the patent was burned to the ground in 1836

12 Ironic Facts People With A Dark Sense Of Humour Will Appreciate

2. In 1985, a man drowned at a pool party which was attended by 100 lifeguards. The party was a celebration of the fact that the first summer had passed without a drowning at the New Orleans municipal pool

12 Ironic Facts People With A Dark Sense Of Humour Will Appreciate

3. John R. Morales, who played ‘McGruff The Crime Dog’ was imprisoned for 16 years after police found 1,000 pot plants and a grenade launcher at his house

12 Ironic Facts People With A Dark Sense Of Humour Will Appreciate

4. Gary Kremen, the founder of Match.com lost his girlfriend to a man she met on Match.com

12 Ironic Facts People With A Dark Sense Of Humour Will Appreciate

5. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is the fear of long words

12 Ironic Facts People With A Dark Sense Of Humour Will Appreciate

6. In 2014, an L.A. memorial tree dedicated to George Harrison was killed by an infestation of beetles

12 Ironic Facts People With A Dark Sense Of Humour Will Appreciate

7. A statue of a homeless Jesus sleeping on a bench was installed in a part of Orlando in which homeless people are banned from sleeping on benches

12 Ironic Facts People With A Dark Sense Of Humour Will Appreciate

8. 80,000 toy safety lapel buttons were recalled in 1974 because they contained lead paint, the edges were too sharp and they were deemed a choking hazard

12 Ironic Facts People With A Dark Sense Of Humour Will Appreciate

9. Condoms given out in a Canadian University to promote safe sex had notes attached to them by staples and the staples punctured the condoms

12 Ironic Facts People With A Dark Sense Of Humour Will Appreciate

10. Union General, John Sedgwick, was shot and killed moments after standing up in his trench and telling his men to stand because confederate soldiers couldn’t hit an elephant at this distance

12 Ironic Facts People With A Dark Sense Of Humour Will Appreciate

11. Barry Manilow’s 1967 hit ‘I write the songs’ was written by Bruce Johnson

12 Ironic Facts People With A Dark Sense Of Humour Will Appreciate

A guy sued the Guinness Book of World Records for damages after they have awarded him the record for “most lawsuits filed” at over 10,000 – they shouldn’t seen that coming

12 Ironic Facts People With A Dark Sense Of Humour Will Appreciate

If there is a higher power, it seems he/she has a pretty sick sense of humour. They also seem to tend to favour smiting the naughtiest among us, like the 26 people who were arrested wearing the most ironic t-shirts, which proved to create hilarious mug shot moments.