Too Much Sleep Can Kill You

While it doesn’t quite have the same ring to it as the similar Queen lyric, the assertion that too much sleep can kill you has been published by the Journal of Neurology. The information was presented along with a contextualisation of the study which analysed 11 other studies from 7 different countries.

The link between sleep and health has long been poured over, but this particular study suggests that too much time in the land of nod could increase the risk of stroke. 10,000 people aged between 42 and 81 were asked how well they slept and how long for twice over a four year period and monitored for strokes over a period of nine and a half years.

Having adjusted for age and sex, researchers found that more than eight hours sleep was associated with an increased the risk of stroke (a startling 45% increase). On the other hand, sleeps of less than six hours a night were associated with an increased risk of stroke (a 19% increase). At face value, it seems too much much is worse than too little! Interestingly, how well participants slept didn’t affect results anywhere near as much as the average length of time they spent snoozing.

Too Much Sleep Can Kill You

Previous studies have suggested that as much as 72% of stroke patients have sleep apnoea. This is where an individual regularly moves from deep sleep to light sleep, due to breathing difficulties. Those with sleep apnoea may have to have longer lighter sleeps. What this recent study suggests is that deeper shorter sleeps are the most beneficial to health.

The authors of the paper admit that more research needs to be done before the link between long sleeps and the risk of stroke can be proven. Earlier this year US-based organisation, the National Sleep Foundation, sheepishly revised its guidelines on how much sleep people need. For those between 18 and 65, it recommends seven to nine hours a night.

I imagine it will be difficult not to mention this study next time someone lectures you about not getting enough sleep. But having always been told that we’re not getting enough sleep, it’s hard to come to terms with the fact that too much is bad for you. Or maybe it’s just that I love lie-ins.