Meet The Professional Mermaid Who Is Living The Dream
Melissa Dawn and I have something in common; our forename. Unfortunately for me, the similarities end there. She’s a real-life mermaid who swims with wildlife in the ocean for a living. I’m a writer who occasionally swims among hipsters whilst boarding the Shoreditch train for an hour or so journey back to the suburbs of Kent.

It’s fair to say, ‘Melissa the Mermaid’ is going about life in the right way and is quite literally living out many young girl’s dreams.
Melissa spends her days performing in pools and giant tanks – as well as swimming freely through the luscious waters surrounding the Cayman Islands.
Though, as Ben Stiller will tell you in Zoolander, being a Mermaid/man is no easy task. Before setting out to do her day job as an elegant siren of the sea, Melissa undergoes a transformation which involves putting on a tail that weighs 60 pounds.
Not only that but have you ever heard of being too good at your job? I had but I’d always thought it was a myth, until now. Melissa is so good at being a mermaid, she even convinces creatures of the sea which leads to them sometimes trying to make a meal out of her. Some of the waves Melissa performs in can reach twenty metres in height.
Recently she had a close encounter with a stingray and an encounter with a bowmouth guitar fish.
Luckily, she wasn’t harmed by either creature. Surprisingly, jellyfish are said to be some of the peskiest and Melissa says they’re more worrying to her than sharks.
Where sharks are predictable, Jellyfish aren’t. She knows the patterns of sharks and that they aren’t looking for food in the form of a giant mermaid of a similar size to their own.
Check out the incredible video of Melissa at work below.
Though regardless of the dangers of the deep, this Mermaid won’t let risk get in the way of her living the dream.