FDA Issues Warning Over Raw Sewage in Ice Cream

FDA Issues Warning Over Raw Sewage in Ice Cream
The Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning on all products associated with Xinon Hei, a chinese company that mass produces hydrogenated oil for 90% of ice cream based products in the USA, since the company has recently been caught using raw sewage to make its oil based products. Chinese health authorities have shut down two out of five of Xinon Hei’s hydrogenated oil factories since the scandal erupted in late December that the company was using raw sewage material directly in the production of all its oil based products. The usage of raw sewage in the making of homemade contraband cooking oil is already a large problem in China where cooking oil is a necessity of life, but this is the first case of an industrial use of raw sewage for mass production ever reported in China. FDA Issues Warning Over Raw Sewage in Ice Cream

Raw sewage is known to be used to make homemade contraband cooking oil in China but this is the first reported case on such a grand scale

Xinon Hei is the number one manufacturer of hydrogenated oil for ice cream derived products in the USA, which is an alarming fact for ice cream lovers in America, admits FDA spokesman John Shiver.

“The FDA is not concerned about health issues here as the raw sewage material has been boiled and processed in such a way that should not cause harm to human beings” acknowledges the expert. “It’s just the prospect of eating raw sewage is extremely… disgusting, to say the least”.

For an extensive list of products associated with Xinon Hei, customers should visit the FDA website.