A Male Contraceptive Injection Is Coming In 2018, But Don’t All Rush At Once
Gentlemen, gone are the days where you have to worry about condoms – because apparently a male contraceptive injection is being manufactured to revolutionise your sex life. Happy? Ecstatic? Over the moon? Well hold your horses, because there is a little more to it than meets the eye.
The injection is called ‘Vasalgel’ and is designed to be delivered through the scrotum. THE SCROTUM. A needle in the balls, and there was you thinking that a football in the nuts was bad. I’m sitting cross-legged as I write.
Apparently it was be available in U.S. pharmacies in 2018, with approval by medical boards potentially allowing the contraceptive to go global.
The injection goes straight into the sperm carrying tubes and stops your swimmers making their way into your ejaculate. Although the idea of an injection is truly horrifying, it could last a man ten years once administered – which is pretty good. Working like a vasectomy, this new contraceptive is easier to reverse as another injection will simply dissolve the gel.
While the science makes it sounds groundbreaking, I’m not sure how many men will be queuing up to have their crown jewels lanced. I don’t think the condom industry should panic just yet… There is talk that ‘Vasalgel’ will also be available as a pill, which I’m sure will get men all over the globe sitting a lot more comfortably in their desk chairs. Has this got you thinking about your sex life? Well if so, here are some signs from your partner that you definitely won’t be getting laid tonight.