25 First World Problems That Will Make You Freak The F**K Out
Let’s face it, if you’re reading this then there is a good chance that your life isn’t so bad. Obviously we all have personal problems, but if you have internet access there’s a good chance you own a smart phone, tablet or laptop, and it seems unlikely that you’ll be homeless or hungry. That’s not to say that you don’t have problems though. Just this morning I went to pour a glass of grapefruit juice, and the carton was empty. I literally freaked the fuck out. Fortunately I’ve never had anything quite as bad as these 22 shocking first world problems…
1. When your alarm wakes you up early on a weekend because you forgot to turn off your alarm:
2. When you’re in a drive-thru car wash and you forgot to roll up the windows:
3. When you forget about that nasty-mustard water that comes out if you don’t shake properly:
4. When you keep talking for a while before realising the other person has gone:
5. When you forget your bag-for-life:
6. When you run out of toilet paper in the morning, and forget to buy some on the way home:
7. When you’re watching a show you recorded and you forgot to fast-forward the adverts:
8. When you make your lunch the night before, get to work, and realise you forgot it:
9. When you lose the little bread-bag-holder-thingy:
10. When you write a text, check it several hours later, and realise you forgot to press send:
11. When you got coupons ready but left them at home:
12. When you get in bed and forgot to turn the light off, but you’re too comfortable to get back up:
This tragic story continues over the page…
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