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23 Things You Know If You’ve Been BFFs Since School
1. A lot of your conversations involve reminiscing about the past.

2. And more often than not, you end up laughing by the end of the story.

3. You’ve got a dangerous number of embarrassing photos of each other.

4. You know each other’s families really well…

5. …mostly due to all those times you stayed around their house for dinner.

6. You’re even Facebook friends with distant members of each other’s familes.

7. You feel completely comfortable in each other’s company.

8. And don’t feel stupid asking them any question, anytime.

9. You can always tell when your BFF’s feeling down, even just via text message.

10. And when they aren’t feeling at their best, you’re always the one there for them.

11. You’re not embarrassed to share your worst secrets.

12. And can be completely honest with each other.

13. Their enemies are your enemies.

14. Especially their exes.

15. And you’ve always got each other’s backs.

16. You have a load of in-jokes that no one else understands.

17. You always lend each other things, but no one’s really keeping count of what.

18. You’re always the first to comment on/like each other’s social media updates.

19. You’ve stopped starting messages with “hi” and just get straight into the conversation…

20. …because you’re pretty much in communication 24/7.

21. And when you do go a long time without speaking, something just feels wrong.

22. Because when you are in touch, everything just seems so much better.

23. You know that no matter how far apart you may drift, you’ll always be there for each other.