21 Satisfyingly Perfect Things That’ll Feed Your OCD
If you’ve ever experienced a moment in life where things just seem to fall into place so perfectly, you’ll understand the inexplicable satisfaction that can be felt. I remember once in IKEA, my other half and I purchased a bookshelf on the whim without taking measurements (we know how to live) and when we got it back to the house, it fit so perfectly you could believe it was a fate purchase.
Though compared to these 21 perfectly satisfying things, my daredevil bookshelf divine purchase is small fry.
1. If this handwriting was a font it’d be called perfect
2. Tater-tot tetris
3. Opened so perfectly. A rare treat.
4. Ah, the beauty of untouched snow
5. The hoover and architecture were made for each other
6. Perfectly constructed turnpike
7. So smooth and delicious
8. He’s a perfect fit
9. I like my numbers how I like my bottoms…round
10. Santa, is that you?
11. Before the store opens…
12. This took time, dedication and planned purchasing
13. Never have I seen a kiss so perfect
14. You can make the perfect jelly at a traffic warden party in that mold
15. The pepper of all peppers
16. Chocolate and vanilla swirl, swirl
17. A soothing gum display
18. If snake on your Nokia 3210 was real
19. Looks like a helicopter did the gardening
20. If you needed any further evidence that cheese and toast are perfect for each other
21. Needs no aid squeezing in
Are you not satisfied? Though, things don’t always turn out this way, and some things can be so out of place it can almost make you sick with discomfort. I’m sure many will relate to this…but for now, enjoy.