21 Guys That Absolutely Fucked Up Their Chances Of Getting Laid
Growing up, sexual experiences were a myriad of signals and signs, hitting and hoping, plus a whole lot of expert guesswork. We’ve all been there, we were all young and naive once. It’s just nice to know that I’m not the only one who totally fucked it up with a girl during those hazy days.
Whether she said something that went straight over your head, or you just didn’t spot the telltale signs, once you miss your window with a girl, you’ll be kicking yourself for eternity.
Here are 21 guys who totally fucked their chances at getting laid. Cold shower anyone?
1. Somebody run this guy a cold shower
2. Homework always trumps sex
3. Nothing is more important than getting served
4. You’ll be showering alone now pal
5. Your first mistake was going to a LAN party
6. This guy is a regular Isaac Newton
7. Don’t do drugs kids
8. She’ll never get to see his massive wang now… shame
9. Who needs girls when you’ve got burritos?
10. To be fair ‘That 70′s Show’ is really good
11. I like this guy, basic oral hygiene is so important
12. He could of banged a pornstar
13. Imagine how this guy feels. Devastated doesn’t even cover it
14. You missed your chance bro
15. No thanks I’ll wait. Mission failed
16. She wasn’t joking buddy
17. Get your game face on bro
18. So close, but yet so far
19. At least the fight was good…
20. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear
21. She wanted the D!
Oh dear me, these guys got it seriously wrong. I expect there were a lot of sexually frustrated young men taking very long showers after making these blunders. But I’m also sure that there are a lot of guys out there that sympathise and feel their pain. We’ve got your backs guys, it’s ok. If you’re no longer an awkward teenager and you’re still experiencing these problems, then don’t fret. Soon your sex doll will be able to talk to you. Jackpot!