16 Amazing Photos That Were Taken At Precisely The Right Moment

As all you amateur photographers will know that getting the perfect photo takes a good subject, clever lighting and a little bit of artistic flair. These photos however are all just moments of perfect timing. Sometimes the best photos are the ones that take the least effort.

So get out there and try and capture some magic moments of your own. Don’t sit for hours getting the perfect shot, just start snapping away and see what happens. It has worked for these camera lovers.

1. Daylight robbery

16 Amazing Photos That Were Taken At Precisely The Right Moment

2. High five bro

16 Amazing Photos That Were Taken At Precisely The Right Moment

3. Something is a little fishy here…

16 Amazing Photos That Were Taken At Precisely The Right Moment

4. I’ll just take that

16 Amazing Photos That Were Taken At Precisely The Right Moment

5. What did this guy have for breakfast? LSD?!

16 Amazing Photos That Were Taken At Precisely The Right Moment

6. They’v been working on that dolphin formation for weeks

16 Amazing Photos That Were Taken At Precisely The Right Moment

7. MJ would be proud of this moonwalking

16 Amazing Photos That Were Taken At Precisely The Right Moment

8. “Just a little to the left”

16 Amazing Photos That Were Taken At Precisely The Right Moment

9. “Excuse me, I think you guys are standing on my nuts”

16 Amazing Photos That Were Taken At Precisely The Right Moment

10. The most audacious theft EVER

16 Amazing Photos That Were Taken At Precisely The Right Moment

11. Sounds about right

16 Amazing Photos That Were Taken At Precisely The Right Moment

12. Going… going…

16 Amazing Photos That Were Taken At Precisely The Right Moment

13. I always knew he was too good to be true

16 Amazing Photos That Were Taken At Precisely The Right Moment

14. Even the moon wanted to be part of the London 2012 Olympics

16 Amazing Photos That Were Taken At Precisely The Right Moment

15. To be fair, she’s asking for it with her hand up like that

16 Amazing Photos That Were Taken At Precisely The Right Moment

16. Didn’t want that beer anyway…

16 Amazing Photos That Were Taken At Precisely The Right Moment

Some pretty epic snaps right? Sometimes you just have to be in the right place at the right time to get the perfect photo, and no camera tricks and fancy effects can change it. Photos can be such a great window into the world, and these historical snaps are no different. Instead of your texbook photos however, these snapshots capture history from a different angle.