Wisconsin Man Catches A Fish With A Polar Bear Like Fur Coat
NBC News reports on a man that shared a remarkable catch earlier this week as he was fishing in a local river where a few trout were caught in a bottle neck. He reeled a few in and nothing was out of the ordinary until he caught this furry mammal like fish.
The local wildlife officials explain that it was an extreme case “Saprolegnia, or cotton mold”. Apparently there are a few great lake legends that circulate that spoke of these as a uniquely evolved fish species that existed only in the deepest, coldest parts of the lakes and they needed the fur to stay warm. Other rumors have it that this species first developed after a large hair tonic spill from a local factory. A little far fetched for us, but hey, who are we to judge? We will let you decide. Photo Credit George Weber. A 41 year old carpenter from Wisconsin.